So not all that much has been happening, I went out the other day with some mates of mine here, out to camden markets and had some lunch. We spotted a local pub there that made us stop and look for a bit... apparently you often get aussies looking at this pub and wondering how they got away with it. You can book in for private parties too. Not really 'laugh out loud' funny, but i havent been anywhere else yet, i have nothing hilarious to write about!! I am planning on going to Ireland after my exams though, pass or fail, i'm gonna go have a bit of fun.
Oh, but, i did receive a LOVELY bunch of flowers today, not trying to brag or anything...but look how amazing they are. Just thought you'd all like to see how good flowers can be.
The Tulips are nice...someone must of been feeling hopeful. Are they flowering yet?
Do you think the Spread Eagle pub would be a good fort to hide against zombies?
Hmm.. I don't know if I am making this up, and I don't mean to say anything bad about the lovely, lovely flowers... but I THINK I see Mr. Brown in amongst the flowers? Yes? No? Do I need my eyes checked? :)
not trying to brag pfft! They're lovely! And you're totally spoilt. I'm jealous!
Lucky little chicken! They're adorable! Someone has good tast in flowers and I don' think it's Mr Brown, although if he appreciates them then...
Haha I bet you have a few aussies wondering about that pub... hehe
Hi Rach!
Just sayin hi. That's all. :)
Hi rach, sorry that I haven't replied here recently, work has been horribly busy and stressful since I've returned from the USA.
Good to hear that you're enjoying living in the UK, despite the stress of exams coming up. Hope that you do well :)
Orange is wet and boring at the moment. It makes me want to get out of the office and do more travelling...
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