The other day I met up with Ains, and we decided to do the touristy thing and go to Madame Tussauds wax museum. Now, I had high hopes, because I remembered really loving it the last time I had gone (when I was a kid).
To be honest, I was going for two reasons. Firstly, to see the chamber of horrors. Kinda gruesome, but very interesting. You know, historically. Secondly, I was going so that I could take funny photos with the waxworks. Obviously. It's why most people go. And I'm sad to say I was disappointed on both counts.
It was a ridiculously busy day, i couldn't get a second alone with even my favourite stars (you may notice that several of my photos actually feature complete strangers, cos there was never a second without complete strangers getting in the way), so the amusing photographs didn't really work out. Bobby didn't even get to make an appearance I'm sad to say - i know, i can hear disappointed sighs the world over - but no, he's not in any pics this time.
And as for the chamber of horrors, most of it had been replaced by what's called "chamber live", where instead of walking where there are waxworks, you walk through this narrow pathway with either dim lighting, or lights shining in your eyes so either way you cant see anything, and periodically (about once every 5 seconds) there's an actor in scary makeup hiding in a corner or a doorway who jumps and SCREAMS IN YOUR FACE WAVING HANDS etc etc. Loses its appeal after about 10 seconds. Especially when they're in the roof and they jump down in front of you. Not a lot of historical content there. The whole museum has really gone the route of the trashy theme park I must say.
The only good point, was that Ains and I got half price tickets so I didn't feel quite as ripped off as everybody else. :-)
We then spent the rest of day day walking, markets, gardens etc just enjoying the fantastic weather (haha everyone who said I'd be freezing ...) and then we went for a few beers and some dinner. All round a tops day. Except for the people SCREAMING IN MY FACE. That stayed with me the rest of the day.
I've put up a couple of pics, does anyone know if there's a way you can add captions to the pics you upload to your blog? I can't seem to find a button for it, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
Where's the Alfred Hitchcock pic?!
hahah... i decided not to put it up cos when i looked at it on the big screen i looked TERRIBLE. how vain of me :-) I'll send you a copy if you want...
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